Comments on: Typinator and Flex Tech, UX, Design Wed, 04 Jan 2012 21:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Think Tank Dev Think Tank Dev Wed, 25 Mar 2009 11:41:00 +0000 I just tried out Typenator. It does seem very useful. One thing I get super tired of is typing preformatted getter/setter sections. What I would like to find out is if you can do something like this:

typenator trigger = -gs{prop}

Where prop is a dynamic set of text. This would autocreate something like

private var _{prop}:Object
private var {prop}Changed:Boolean;
public function get {prop} ():Object
{ return _{prop}; }
…. you get the point.

I have only messed with the freebie version however if the full version allows this, then consider me a new customer.
