Sneak Peek of My 360 Talk

My talk at the upcoming 360|Flex conference in Atlanta is called : Advanced Skinning and Component Development. Once I got in the thick of preparing for this talk I realized it was really two topics. So, my talk will focus more on skinning than component development, but I’m still going to try to hit both topics.

First, we’ll look at the basic skinning techniques and some quick examples. Next, I’ll move on to an example of using the CS3 Flex Design Extensions to build this custom skin for a ComboBox:

Finally, (time permitting) we’ll wrap up with a look at the component development process for this custom horizontal list component (a recreation from Apple’s site) :

Please bring any questions or comments you might have about skinning or component development.

I’ll be posting all the resources for the talk on my blog just before the session.

cya in Atlanta